What are CFDs

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Clear and competitive pricing

Clear and competitive pricing


What are CFDs

Contract for Difference (CFD) is a structured financial derivative which replicates the price action and movement of hundreds of securities and investment products traded daily in the financial markets.

The concept of a CFD is that it mirrors the underlying asset in terms of price movement but does not hold the liability of delivery of the contract. The flexibility of trading CFDs means when you enter into a buy or sell contract, all you are concerned with is the price movement and size of your trade. The ability to trade only price movement removes the stress of taking physical delivery of a product which can happen if you buy and sell exchange traded futures contracts.

CFDs have, low margins, zero commission and tight spreads which, combined with state of the art trading platforms gives the short and long term investor the ability to execute their investment strategies quickly and efficiently.

Whether you are looking to hedge you current investment portfolio or looking for the ability to trade short term strategies, CFDs provide any investor with easy access to the Global Financial Markets.

Learn more about the markets and CFDs at our Trading Academy or try setting up a position on a Demo Account today.

CFD Demo Account

Practice your trading skills with RFI Markets' DemoTrading Accounts. Choose the platform you want to test and then complete the form to the right. We will send you an email immediately providing you with your personal login details and instructions to access our browser based platform RFI | WEB, or to download our desktop platform RFI | MT4. Please ensure that you provide your correct phone number to receive a complimentary platform orientation from one of our trading experts.

CFD Trading Example:

An example of trading with CFDs:
You sell
10 CFDs @ 86.90 (predicting a bearish market, meaning you expect prices to fall)
You buy 10 CFDs @ 86.84
Therefore your P/L would be…
P/L = (8690-8684) x 10
= 6 x 10
= $60